Conducive Eid, South Kalimantan Regional Police Appreciates Community Participation

17 May 2024 - 02:58 WIB - Banjarmasin. The moment of 2024 Eid in South Kalimantan Province (Kalsel) runs conducive without violating health protocols (Prokes) amid community activities. Even no the roving takbir activities

In his explanation, the Chief of South Kalimantan Police, Police Inspector General Rikwanto, through the Head of PR of the South Kalimantan Regional Police, Police Grand Commissioner Mochamad Rifa'i, said that since one day before Eid until today, there have been no prominent incident reports from all regions in South Kalimantan. The situation of public security and order (Kamtibmas), everything runs typically, is safe under control, including the Roving Takbir, also does not occur as we have prohibited.

The community, especially business actors, have also obeyed even the regulations made by the provincial government—for example, the closure of tourist attractions, entertainment services, and malls. The hope is that the closing of various economic activities can reduce crowds' potential to occur during the Eid holiday. Appreciate the Provincial Government for making wise decisions to prevent the massive transmission of Covid-19 at this Eid. I hope that there will be no more opposition from any policies considering that the goal is only one for humanity, namely to save many people from potential exposure to Covid-19, added the Head of PR of the South Kalimantan Regional Police.

Likewise, with the ban on homecoming, the community has obeyed it even though only a few people are still desperate to return to their hometown. However, he confirmed that he could not pass the inspection at the 2024 Operation Ketupat Intan Checkpoint. Related to efforts to reduce the number of Covid-19 cases can be maintained. The Eid 2024 moment is an example if we can all struggle together to break the chain of the Covid-19 Pandemic by sacrificing not going home and not having a picnic, concluded the Head of PR of the East Kalimantan Police.

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