Deputy Chief of Bali Regional Police Monitored Insulation Post in Goa Lawah Klungkung

21 July 2024 - 11:03 WIB - Denpasar. Deputy Chief of Bali Regional Police, Police Brigadier General I Ketut Suardana conducted monitoring and checking at Goa Lawah Insulation Post located on the border between Klungkung and Karangasem Regency on Tuesday (07/20/21)

The monitoring was intended to find out firsthand the situation and mobility of the community during the Emergency PPKM implemented from 3 to 20 July 2021.

The arrival of Deputy Chief of Bali Regional Police was welcomed by Chief of Klungkung Resort Police, Police Grand Commissioner Attendant I Made Dhanuardana, accompanied by Deputy Chief of Klungkung Resort Police, Police Commissioner Luh Ketut Amy Ramayathi Prakasa and High-Rank Officers of KLungkung Resort Police.

Deputy Chief of Resort Police immediately reviewed the implementation of insulation activities carried out by Klungkung Resort Police personnel in the series of Aman Nusa Agung II Operation – 2024 for Covid-19 Handling.

On this occasion, the Deputy Chief of Bali Regional Police invited all personnel involved to carry out their duties with full responsibility. For community members who pass through the Emergency PPKM Insulation Post but do not meet the requirements according to Emergency PPKM rules, they should be turned back immediately.

The purpose of this insulation is to reduce community mobility as a way to suppress Covid-19 cases. For this reason, there is no compromise or discussion between the officer in charge and the community who do no meet travel requirements.

"We must be firm but yet humanist for the sake of mutual safety," the One Star General explained, affirming.

Police Brigadier General. I Ketut Suardana, advised people to continue complying with health protocols and discipline by implementing 5-M (wearing masks, physical distancing, washing hands, reducing mobility, avoiding crowds) in the community and at home.

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